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STEP has the following Program/project management policies. STEP Organization has developed clear and comprehensive accounting policy for its financial management system, documented policies and procedures provide guidance and structure to staff; a basis for consistent treatment of financial data and the organization for controls and financial and program-level accountability. STEP implementation strategy is flexible and the organization can include donor-provided policy procedures for making stronger work as per the required standards for donors.

1. Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) 

2. Implementation strategy and Methodology  

3. Safety, Security, and Access Policy 

4. Complaint Response Mechanism Policy

5. Human Resource / Recruitment policy including Conflict of
Interest, Fraud, bribery, corruption, Whistleblowing /  Discipline, and
grievance procedures Guidelines 

6 STEP Code of conduct for staff 

7. Child protection policy Social
Mobilization Strategy

8. Grant management Policy 

9. Finance, Admin Policy and Procurement Policy, Travel
Policy, Assets disposal policy 

10. Monitoring and Evaluation Policy 

11. Assets Management Policy 

12. Risk Management Policy 

13.  Gender and Environmental Anti-Sexual Harassment

14. Fund Reserve policy 

15. Project Planning and Management Policy 

16. Sub-Granting Policy

17. Whistle-Blower Policy

18. Organizational Management Policy

19.STEP Anti-Terrorism Policy

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